
Naturally replenished on a human timescale


Finding alternative energy sources for crypto mining


High density low impact solar mining


Crypto Mining with solar power

Ecological way

Reshaping Crypto

Crypto Mining uses 100 TWh a year. That is the same amount of power as the country of Netherlands uses in a year.

60% of crypto mining uses some sort of hydro power mining, followed by 25% using natural gas and coal.

With water levels dropping all over the world and coal and natural gas contributing to green house gases, the only energy future for crypto mining is wind and solar.

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Energy Usage

Most Crypto Mining Facilities
use non-renewables

With the rise of global warming, miners need to switch to cleaner sources. Solar has lagged behind over sources. It doesn't have to be.

In our view, the concerns around Bitcoin’s energy consumption are misguided. Contrary to consensus thinking, we believe the impact of bitcoin mining could become a net positive to the environment … We illustrate that renewables would be able to satisfy only 40% of the grid’s needs in the absence of bitcoin mining but 99% with the commercial ‘subsidies’ associated with bitcoin mining.

Founder of ARK Investments Cathie Wood

Tesla has suspended vehicle purchases using bitcoin. We are concerned about rapidly increasing use of fossil fuels for bitcoin mining and transactions, especially coal, which has the worst emissions of any fuel. Cryptocurrency is a good idea on many levels and we believe it has a promising future, but this cannot come at great cost to the environment.

Founder of Tesla and SpaceX Elon Musk

As with every other energy-consuming industry, it’s up to the crypto community to acknowledge and address these environmental concerns, work in good faith to reduce Bitcoin’s carbon footprint, and ultimately demonstrate that the societal value Bitcoin provides is worth the resources needed to sustain it.

Castle Island Ventures Nic Carter

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